Michell Thorne Books Michell Thorne Books

Michelle Thorne Books

Revealing You // Delivered


April 17, 2015 by Michelle

I used to think that God was mysterious and out of reach. I could not figure out how my friend Vanessa could sound so intimate when she talked about Him. It was like she knew Him. I know how that sounds, but hey, I felt that way.

Last night I met with a group of women and we talked about God. We weren’t supposed to really. We got derailed from my brilliant topic when I said something about the father of the prodigal son being a role model for me and a couple of the women didn’t know who the prodigal son was. Why was I sweating about a topic for the night again? Oh yeah, because I thought I had to have the brilliant idea, when really God wrote the script forever ago in Luke 15.

I stopped everything and read it. This led to a discussion that God is not like that father really, and how do we know this even happened and there was also a good bit about those ‘crazies’ who get a vision and tell you about your future. And what of my sinning, because I do a lot of that and do not foresee stopping in the future. Also, these people who get baptized because it’s trending are gross. It was so great! One woman even said something like, “I believe in God but I don’t know about that stupid book.”


I told them to continue to ask questions and doubt what people tell them and to ask God directly. And what it all boiled down to was this: How can I know who God is today, in this world, in my circumstances. Where is there evidence of Him that I can trust because that book written a long time ago by a bunch of old guys isn’t one I can relate to.

So, I have been thinking a lot about how we can encounter Jesus in the everyday. Jesus is extraordinary, there is no denying that, but He is ordinary too. He fed 5,000. That is both extraordinary–5000–and ordinary–feeding people.

My friend Hunter, whether he wants to/means to or not, causes me to have an encounter with Christ.

Hunter has been feeding homeless for a while now. He doesn’t think it’s this amazing thing he does that only he can do. He thinks that is what we are supposed to do. It should be an everyday thing. The way Hunter does it though, he feeds a lot of people without homes amazing meals. Hunter is a chef, perhaps the best chef ever, if I may be so bold (and since this is my blog, I will be). He isn’t giving them the bottom of the muffin like the Seinfeld episode. No, he is using his gifts as a chef to make those in need some really fantastic food.

And there are other things. Holding my children’s hands. They are miracles, and yet, I do this everyday.

I want to encourage you today, to look around you, to experience your daily world and find God in it. He is there. He is here. Yes, even here.

*And please, feel free to share in the comments below, if you are so inclined.

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