I have been talking about this thing for a long time. I really want to get it to you, and it is coming. The problem is every time I think I’m done, I run into something more that I want to say about the topic of sharing children through open adoption. You must know why, right? Because it is an endless topic…
Here is a teaser:
Adoption is trendy right now, especially in American churches. We preach it from the pulpit or the stage or the front of the coffee shop. God adopted us. We want to be like Him. He cared for widows and orphans. We are to care for widows and orphans. If not us, then who? I used to think this was a good question, but it’s not.
A better question is, “God, what is Your best for me?”
If we step back and really look at the Word, we are under no obligation to care for widows and orphans through adoption. We want to be like Christ, yes, but are we called to feed 5,000 with a loaf of bread and a few fish? In my professional opinion, that seems to be a rather stunning similarity to adopting when you are not called to. To think that you will be totally ready to meet every need your child has after reading a few books is silly. You will need an all-knowing, creative God to get through the first few years, let alone a lifetime, as a parent. Therefore, the calling has to be His, of Him, from Him, or you will be working from your own resources; friends, you can’t stretch your bread that far.
It’s coming, friends. It is coming, and while I have written it for prospective adoptive and adoptive couples, I believe birthmoms will enjoy it as well. After all, birthmoms are my people, and I work hard to represent them well in this book that reveals the birthmother’s heart and experience to the couples God has called to adopt their children.
Knowledge is powerful, and when she share our experiences with the other parts of the adoption triad and when we hear their stories, we are all better for it.
So excited to share this short, heart-felt book with all of you!