It’s a bird.
It’s a plane.
This year the BirthMom Buds annual retreat is themed with superheroes. I think this is very appropriate, as birthmoms are heroes, in my humble opinion.
It takes a lot of strength to choose life and to place a child for adoption. I am excited to be among such excellent and admirable women this weekend.
I have the privilege of leading a breakout session. I’m going to be talking about How to Share Your Story. I think sharing your story as a birthmother is crucial to healing. I think it is crucial to others healing. When I share my story, I heal. I go there. I feel it. I take it in again, and I relive the grief over and over again. When I do this with others, whether they are birthmothers or just have experienced some grief, they realize they are not alone. When I share my story, when I celebrate the life that was conceived, chosen and placed, others can celebrate too. They can celebrate with me and for their own stories too.
This weekend I won’t be alone. I will be with other women sharing, grieving, feeling and healing together. This weekend we will celebrate and remember.
We are birthmothers. We are super. We are heroines!