Michell Thorne Books Michell Thorne Books

Michelle Thorne Books

Revealing You // Delivered

Chalk Up a Win!

March 6, 2012 by Michelle

Everyone has been asking me how this weekend went in Oklahoma, so here it is!


Pure Compassion was an amazing conference with passionate people, diverse groups with a common goal, and touching stories. For me it was a first. It was my first time going to a conference full of people that I didn’t know and sharing my story. It was a huge learning experience for me. I am way better equipped for such conferences in the future. I learned practical things like having a sign telling people how much the book is and what forms of payment I take. I learned logistical things like how on earth do I transport 100 books to and from such a place. I also learned, perhaps the greatest lesson of all, that I am more in need of God than ever before.

I had the privilege of meeting three adopted persons Sunday night. They were different ages, sexes, and ethnicities, and they were all wondering about their birthmothers. I had an awesome responsibility and an unexpected ministry to speak into their lives with confidence and love that can only come from Christ.

They had questions—hard questions. Does my birthmother ever think about me? Why did my birthmother give me away? Have you told your family about the child you placed?

These questions had me on my heels. I hadn’t expected this. I never anticipated that adopted people would have such an interest in what I had to say. I had only hoped to share and heal with other birthmothers, but not this.

What did I have to offer? Such lofty questions, such deep longing could only be satiated by one thing—God. I answered as honestly as I could and hoped that they would feel the love of God through my answers.

If you look at the price tag of this trip, you might think that it’s a loss for me, but it’s not. I was reminded of God’s purpose and His plan and how I’m not always in the know on such matters. I am now sure of my need for prayer and fasting and pouring over God’s Word. I am in need of staying sensitive to the Spirit of God to guide me. I know now more than ever that I have to stay dependent on God. So, I am chalking this one up as a win!

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Delivered, My Harrowing Journey as a Birthmother Revealing You, A Journal for Birthmothers


My Harrowing Journey as a Birthmother

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Revealing You

A Journal for Birthmothers

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